
HOdo Group becomes the only private enterprise in the national industrial worker team construction reform pilot

Published in: 2020-02-25

In order to deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on the reform of the industrial worker team construction, the National Coordination Group for the Promotion of the Construction of the Industrial Worker Team recently issued the "Notice on the Pilot Work on the Reform of the Industrial Worker Team Construction". The reform pilot was officially launched. Starting from 2020, six units including Heilongjiang Province will be selected for a comprehensive pilot project, and seven units such as HOdo Group will be used for pilot projects.

HOdo Group is the only private enterprise among the pilot units in the country. The pilot content of the HOdo Group project is to strengthen party building work in non-public enterprises and explore ways and means to carry out party building work in non-public enterprises.

In advancing the construction of industrial workers team, HOdo Group actively reforms and innovates the institutional mechanisms, methods, and methods of building industrial worker team. The typical experience of the construction of industrial worker teams such as the "training points system", "star-level employees going to college", "competitive employment", "workshop echo wall", and "rationalization suggestions" have been widely praised.